The 3rd mouse imaging master class was a great success !
- 7 days over 2 weeks long with a total of 25 hours of courses (lectures and 6 workshops)
- 21 speakers from 8 different countries (Canada, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Korea, Netherlands, United Kingdom and Spain).
- 39 selected participants, from 10 countries (including 7 European’s one)
Global satisfaction rate: 96%
Up to expectations rate: 96%
Thanks to all for your involvement !
PATHBIO is an EU-funded ERASMUS+ Knowledge Alliance for “Precision Pathobiology for Disease Models”, involving 20 partners from all over the world i.e, major European Universities, the most important Mouse Clinics and the biggest Enterprises in charge of Mouse Models Distribution.This Knowledge Alliance will provide courses and online teaching material for mouse embryology and anatomy, mouse pathology, and for mouse imaging. In 2020 PATHBIO have moved its 3 short courses in Mouse Anatomy, Pathology, and Imaging to an online format due to health reasons and international travel restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

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